RECENTLY, more media attention has been drawn on the
increase of autism with the international prevalence rate
of 60 per 10 000 applied across cultures [1], [2]. An average of
1 in 88 children in theUnited States is identified to have autism,
while an estimated prevalence of autism in China is 5 per 10 000
[3]. In Singapore, the estimated prevalence rate of individuals
with autism in the population of 4 million is 1 per 166 [4]. However,
no sound scientific evidence indicates that the increasing
number of diagnosed cases of autism arises from anything other than purposely broadened diagnostic criteria, coupled with deliberately
greater public awareness and intentionally improved
case finding [5]. We became interested to do research for possible
help of these children with the state-of-the-art of intervention
and treatment for autism.
RECENTLY, more media attention has been drawn on theincrease of autism with the international prevalence rateof 60 per 10 000 applied across cultures [1], [2]. An average of1 in 88 children in theUnited States is identified to have autism,while an estimated prevalence of autism in China is 5 per 10 000[3]. In Singapore, the estimated prevalence rate of individualswith autism in the population of 4 million is 1 per 166 [4]. However,no sound scientific evidence indicates that the increasingnumber of diagnosed cases of autism arises from anything other than purposely broadened diagnostic criteria, coupled with deliberatelygreater public awareness and intentionally improvedcase finding [5]. We became interested to do research for possiblehelp of these children with the state-of-the-art of interventionand treatment for autism.
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