I like you and need you in my life and I will be happy if we can marry in the future
I will pay you back your money and send you money that you will use and to pay for my hotel room
If you can not trust me the way I trust you because of money then How can we trust each other when we live together
I understand you and I told you I will Help you too After I complete my work and receive my money
We both have problem and we will care and support each other Okay?
When I receive the money I will pay for the materials and continue with the work
Once I complete it and receive my money I will come to Thailand because I am missing you already so I want to be with you
I have used the money with me to order for the materials but I am short of payment to supply the materials to me that is why I asked
When I come we will see How we can expand your farm
Maybe I should invest my money in your farm so it will grow bigger and we can supply more companies
What do you think about that?
We will take it step by step Okay?
I write to companies and when they accept my proposal we then sign a contract
You are a farmer so you know more about farming