1.6 Research Objectives
This study aimed at developing a sustainable financing mechanism for the
conservation of the Ifugao Rice Terraces and was carried out in two phases. Phase 1
was undertaken to identify the socio-cultural factors that influenced the Ifugao farmers’
practices in relation to the terraces; analyze the water allocation system in Ifugao and
how this was affecting the availability of water for irrigation; and assess the availability
of labor to undertake the repair and protection of the terraces. Under Phase 2, the study
evaluated alternative approaches to capture tourists’ willingness to pay to partly finance
conservation efforts, estimated the extent and occurrence of abandonment and damage
of the rice terraces in the four heritage Ifugao municipalities, and laid the groundwork
for the institutionalization of a sustainable financing mechanism.
1.7 Scope of the Report
This report discusses the activities undertaken and the results of Phases 1 and 2.
However, the results of the estimation of the area of the terraces and the extent of
damage and abandonment are discussed in a separate report (available on the EEPSEA