Good day my Queen,
Thanks for your e-mail and for your concern, we arrived in Africa very early this morning. Our flight was delayed at Heathrow Airport in London. But Glory be to God we had a Safe Trip. The screening at the Airport here in Africa delayed us also.
We checked into a hotel here in the Capital city, I have been here at the hotel lobby for a while trying to send to you an e-mail about our arrival but they have a very poor internet system, because of this I have bought a new telephone line, so that I can reach you always. The phone number is +2348152235653 i hope it starts working soon.
You can call or send SMS to me at your wish, I'm going later this afternoon to the ART Exhibition MARKET to purchase the Crafts,so that I can ship them to the UK on time before embarking on my Journey to meet you, mind you I only have 2 days here left. Hopefully by tomorrow I will book my flight on-line and I will send the details to you, Ken is still asleep, he is suffering from serious jetlag. The poor child was complaining of the heat the moment we landed in Africa. I can't wait to see you darling, my heart is racing fast just thinking that in a few days i would be in your arms. I kept thinking of you all through the 6 hours flight, i really love you darling
I love you and thanks for your concern.See you soon. Now i have to sleep darling, i think i have jetlag also
Much Love,Hugs and kisses for you my darling Wife