ฉันรัGood night Yuva.
Wow. What a day its been already. Did not get my normal opportunity to send an email early this morning.
Got hit as soon as I logged into work and have not stopped running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
If you have never been to a farm, my comment probably does not mean much to you. Ask Meaw and I will explain
it to her tomorrow evening. Anyhow, my apologizes for only getting to one email today. I probably should have
listed the Subject as Good Morning. Especially since it is around 4:00 AM there on Saturday morning right now.
Give or take an hour due to the US using Daylight Savings time! Ridiculous process. Anyhow, enough complaining.
I hope you slept well and I hope you have a great Saturday! Please do something fun!
Stay Safe!