At this moment, Chu Feng has enraged Orion Monastery all people obviously, this matter, Elder or disciple, did not prepare to relinquish in light of this.
But, thought when all people, Chu Feng is disaster is imminent, actually the unusual person notes, the corners of the mouth of Chu Feng, are still hanging the light happy expression, and both eyes slightly have also narrowed the eyes.
„Stopped talking to me, has revolted inadequately?” However at this moment, shouted angrily together, just like thunder general crack, the not to mention world shivered, a formidable aura, was makes these noisy disciple bodies in a flash, and what is more, fall down directly, after tumbling, reluctantly stood up.
Is Thank you elder, he has gotten angry, manages Elder of this life and death struggle, he flies into a rage, points at Yuan Qing and other Orion Monastery disciple, Cold voice is shouting to clear the way:
„This is a life and death war, they have signed the life and death shape, Chu Feng won, has to handle the Lei Yao authority, cuts to kill Lei Yao, builds up Lei Yao Source, is this fair, how allows you to be dissolute in this?”
Thank you elder such remarks, Yuan Qing and others is look blue, nobody dares to say half a word again, after all in the final analysis Thank you elder, is Elder of Half Emperor level, this life and death struggle is she manages, they reproved Chu Feng like this, not only in aiming at Chu Feng, did not place in Thank you elder the eye.
„Right that Thank you elder, said that the life and death fought died since birth a custom of war, how to accommodate your disciple, was dissolute in this?”
However at this moment, suddenly also has sound together to resound, at the same time, about hundred forms reappear, has walked into the line of sight of people.
These people, all wear the Elder clothing, their waists, are actually hanging a same knife edge, that knife edge sharp long, looks sharply incomparable, this is not the common knife edge, but is best quality goods King Armament, but is the symbol of right, this blade, is called the penalty blade.
However besides this penalty blade, their chests also has a special character, „punishment” character.
„The person of penalty department, did they come?”
Sees this group of people, many people feel to be startled, because of this about hundred Elder, is the people of penalty department.
The penalty department, this is one branch that makes the human become angry while talking about it, the Cyanwood Mountain branch is numerous, but must discuss the right, by strength, strongest absolutely is this penalty department.
Penalty department, not only has many strength tyrannical characters, has to live to kill the power, not to mention is disciple, Elder, to this penalty department, has feeling of being awed at the sight.
At this moment, the people of this penalty department came, the people innermost feelings all splashed ripples, particularly the Ascension Sect person, was the brow slightly wrinkle, because their subconscious then felt that this penalty department arrived here, very possible to come to Chu Feng.
Especially after the people of this crowd of penalty departments appear, Orion Monastery these Elder, the diving posture, with the person of that penalty department, has stood, Ascension Sect and others was more restless.
Because this is very obvious, they are one group, at least Elder of these penalty departments, should be Orion Monastery invites is.