A farmer is a person who works in the field and grows food for us. His life is very hard. he has to work a lot every day. He does not get free time. Farmer plays very important role. I think farmer is everything because without farmer, from where we get food.
When he has to plant rice, he has to depend on rainfall. If it does not rain in time, he cannot plant rice. The next, he doesn't get enough fertilizer in time, neither has he got improved seed. When it is time to harvest, he is always fearful of snow and rain. After harvest, he to sell them at a cheaper price because he has to return the loan he has taken during the planting time. He does not get loan at a cheaper interest from a bank. So, he has to go to the Mahajan of his village and has to pay higher rate of interest.
In addition to crops, a Farmer keeps animal. He has to keep them for fertilizer, milk and calves for growing into oxen to pull his card and for plugging field. He has to keep busy himself.
Although, he has to pass a hard life, he is very helpful and hospitable to guests. He has limited expectation, and when they are fulfilled, he shown his happiness. He enjoys singing folk songs and celebrating traditional festivals. He enjoys with his family members and relatives. Any, a farmer is a god for us all people.