f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 This agreement is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Thailand. Any dispute arising from this agreement that theuc0u8232 parties cannot resolve are to be settled by binding arbitration by the Thai Laws Association in Seattle under their then existing f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2
f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 In the event of commencement of suit by either party to enforce the provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive such attorneys' fees and costs with interest as may be adjudged reasonable in addition to any other relief granted. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 pardpardeftab720sa340partightenfactor0
f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 This agreement is the complete understanding between the parties. Any changes or additions must be in writing signed by both parties, with negotiated change in price. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2
f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 We are pleased to have your firm as our contractor on this important project and look forward to a good working relationship with your company. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2
{ tf1ansiansicpg1252{fonttblf0fnilfcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT; f1fnilfcharset0 HelveticaNeueInterface-ปกติ; }{colortbl; ed255green255lue255; ed0green0lue0; ed234green187lue0 }deftab720pardpardeftab720sa340partightenfactor0f0fs26 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 สากลปีกตลาดเซ็นเตอร์ จำกัด Tripureshwor กาฐมาณฑุเนปาล โทรศัพท์: {field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK "tel:997%2001%204252637"}}{fldrslt cf3 expnd0expndtw0kerning0ul ulc3 outl0strokewidth0 strokec3 997 01 4252637 } } f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs26 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0เลขหมู่ outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Khanitha Sripanuc0u8232 27 { field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK " x-แอปเปิ้ลข้อมูลเครื่องตรวจจับ: / / 1" } } {fldrslt cf3 expnd0expndtw0kerning0ul ulc3 outl0strokewidth0 strokec3 บ้าน 10 Ngiw Nonchaisri } } uc0u8232 { field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK " x-แอปเปิ้ลข้อมูลเครื่องตรวจจับ: / / 1" } } {fldrslt cf3 expnd0expndtw0kerning0ul ulc3 outl0strokewidth0 strokec3 Phontong ร้อยเอ็ด 45110 } } Tel: {field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK "tel:061%204615956"}}{fldrslt cf3 expnd0expndtw0kerning0ul ulc3 outl0strokewidth0 strokec3 061 4615956 } } f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \pardpardeftab720sa340partightenfactor0f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 ข้อ 13fs26 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 : VENUE AND DISPUTES f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 This agreement is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Thailand. Any dispute arising from this agreement that theuc0u8232 parties cannot resolve are to be settled by binding arbitration by the Thai Laws Association in Seattle under their then existing f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 rules for commercial arbitration. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 In the event of commencement of suit by either party to enforce the provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive such attorneys' fees and costs with interest as may be adjudged reasonable in addition to any other relief granted. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \pardpardeftab720sa340partightenfactor0f0fs26 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Clause 14: ENTIRE AGREEMENT f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \pardpardeftab720sa340partightenfactor0f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 This agreement is the complete understanding between the parties. Any changes or additions must be in writing signed by both parties, with negotiated change in price. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 We are pleased to have your firm as our contractor on this important project and look forward to a good working relationship with your company. f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Sincerely, f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Khanitha Sripan Manager f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Witness f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Party A f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Jagdish Dhami Party B Vice President/General Manage f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 \f0fs30 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 witness f1fs34 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 pardpardeftab720partightenfactor0 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 }