based“Cloud Computing”, a new wave in the Internet revolution,
transforms the kind of services provided over the Internet. The
Cloud Services can be viewed from two perspectives, one as
Cloud Service Provider and the other as Cloud Service
Consumer. Assurance of security in the Cloud Service is a
major challenge for the Providers, as it’s the biggest concern
for the Consumers to opt for the service, which in turn decides
the prospects of the business in Cloud Service. The Security
can be administered in the Cloud at various levels and for
several types of attacks. The threats and the attacks on the
Cloud service can be common prevailing attacks in the
internet or can be cloud specific. This paper deals about the
threats and the counter measures of the prevailing DDoS
attacks on the Cloud Environment as well as the Cloud
Specific Vulnerabilities to these attacks. In specific, HTTP
and XMLbased DDoS attacks on the cloud service are
experimented under proposed security framework for EDoS
Protection. A Cloud Service was hosted on Amazon EC2. The
Service was targeted by HTTP, XML DDoS attacks from
several nodes, which lead to the scaling of the service by
consuming more Amazon EC2 resources, which in turn lead
to Economic Denial of Sustainability to the Cloud Service
under attack. Thus this paper explores the transformation of
traditional Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack into
cloud specific Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS)