And once that particular negativity has gone away, you will notice that your breath becomes normal. It is no longer fast, no longer hard. This happens in the physical structure at a gross level.
Something also happens at a subtler level, because mind and matter are so interrelated. One keeps influencing the other, and getting influenced by the other. This interaction is continuously happening within ourselves, day and night.
At a subtler level a biochemical reaction starts within the physical structure. And electromagnetic reaction starts and, if you are a good Vipassana meditator, you will notice: "Look, anger has arisen." And then what happens? There is heat throughout the body; there is palpitation; there is tension throughout the body.
One need not do anything except observe.
Do nothing. Just observe.
Don't try to push out your anger. Don't try to push out the signs of the anger.
Just observe, just observe.
Continue to observe, and you will notice that the anger becomes weaker and weaker, and passes away.
If you suppress it, then it goes deep into the subconscious level of your mind. When it is suppressed, it does not pass away.
Whenever misery comes, we think that the cause of this misery is something outside, and we make a great effort to rectify external things: "So-and-so is misbehaving. I am unhappy because of this person's misbehaviour. When this person stops misbehaving, I will be a very happy person."
We want to change this person. Is this possible? Can we change others? Well, even if we succeed in changing one person, what guarantee is there that somebody else will not appear, who will again go totally against our desires? It is impossible to change the entire world. The saints and sages, enlightened people, discovered the way out: To change yourself.