Young kids at primary and earlier high school level are on
process to develop their interest in an area or subject. And it can not
be expected from students at this level to study a subject as a career
oriented subject. It is where students loose a purpose to studyEnglish.
Learning listening and speaking needs interaction. Thai students avoid
interactioninforeignlanguage.Thaistudentshavevery limitedexposure
toforeigncultures throughelectronicandpaper media. Itdoesn’t make
them curiousabout foreigncultures. Their curiosity toknow moreabout
foreign cultures could lead them to show interest in learning English
listening and speaking. A study of Gardner and Lambart (1959) has
been done in order to find out if the research findings of Gardner and
Lambart inregardto‘attitudeand motivation’ towardslanguagelearning
are applicable in this context. Gardner, Lambart and Smythe (1979)
have done extensive research on attitude and motivation and their
co-relation with linguistic performance of learners. They suggested