In general,
all stages survive longer at a given temperature as grain moisture increases and the effect of moisture on survival increases as temperature decreases. Values for LT 99.9 for the most heat tolerant stage of R. dominica at 9% m.c. range from 78.22 to 2.49 h between 45 and 538C. At 12% m.c. they range from 96.81 to 3.36 h, and at 14% m.c. from 114 to 4.14 h. In general, at 12% m.c. the heat tolerance of S. oryzae is about 58C less than R. dominica with LT 99.9
ranging from 37.36 to 3.71 h between 42 and 488C. At this level of mortality, immature stage
three is generally the most heat tolerant stage of R. dominica, whereas it is stage two for S.