Greetings from PenPal World,
Thank you for creating an PenPal World account.
To complete the registration process, you are required to verify your e-mail address. We do not allow new members to log into their new account until their e-mail address has been verified. Verifying your e-mail address also allows us to safely communicate important information about your account, such as new features and policy updates.
To confirm your e-mail address, choose one of the following options:
-- Click this link:
-- Copy and paste this URL into your browser's address bar:
-- Enter your 10-digit code on the PenPal World web site using the following procedure.
1. Go to this PenPal World page
2. Enter your 10-digit code which is KUL78W468U
3. Click the green 'Verify your e-mail address' button
Thank you for using PenPal World.