Shellac-based surface coating was used in combination
with passive modified atmosphere (MA) packaging
for shelf life extension of fresh green chillies. The green
chillies were coated with shellac coating, packed in anti-fog
film and kept at 8 ± 1 C for storage along with uncoated
control. The coated and MA packed chillies showed significantly
lower respiration rates as compared to control. The
physico-chemical characteristics showed significantly lesser
variations in terms of physiological loss in weight, firmness,
colour, pigments, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity
during storage. A shelf life extension of 48 days was
observed for coated and MA packed chillies against uncoated
and MA packed (28 days) and control (15 days) ones.
Shellac coated chillies showed a shelf life of 30 days at
8 ± 1 C. Shellac coating along with the passive MA
packaging resulted in restriction of metabolic activities
(respiration) and delayed senescence and was found most
effective in maintaining the postharvest quality of green
chillies during low temperature storage.