Personal Protection
Wear a NIOSH approved (or equivalent) respirator (with organic vapor/ acid gas cartridge and a dust/mist filter) during spill clean-ups and deactivation of this material. MATERIAL IS CORROSIVE. Protective clothing, including chemical splash goggles, nitrile or butyl rubber full length gloves, rubber apron, or clothing made of nitrile or butyl rubber, and rubber overshoes must be worn during spill clean-ups and deactivation of this material. If material comes in contact with the skin during clean-up operations, IMMEDIATELY remove all contaminated clothing and wash exposed skin areas with soap and water. See SECTION 4, First Aid Measures, for further information.
WARNING: KEEP SPILLS AND CLEAN-UP RESIDUALS OUT OF MUNICIPAL SEWERS AND OPEN BODIES OF WATER. Absorb the spill with spill pillows or inert solids such as clay or vermiculite, and transfer contaminated materials to suitable containers for disposal. Deactivate spill area with freshly prepared solution of 5% sodium bicarbonate and 5% sodium hypochlorite in water. Apply solution to the spill area at a ratio of 10 volumes deactivation solution per estimated volume of residual spill to deactivateany residual active ingredient. Let stand for 30 minutes. Flush the spill area with copious
amounts of after to chemical sewer (if in accordance with local procedures, permits and regulations). DO NOT add deactivation solution to the waste pail to deactivate the adsorbed material. See SECTION 13, "Disposal Considerations", for information regarding the disposal of contained materials.