This study is first of its kind from India highlighting the
perceptions in the community's perspectives. The purpose
of this study was to recognize the EMs of the problem,
causes, and consequences of hypertension in neo- and settled-
migrants in Delhi. The EMs of both the migrant
groups were similar in many respects. The explanations
revealed that hypertension was perceived as a common
and serious problem in the community. While the medical
model of hypertension mainly centred around the
physical aspects, the lay perspective centred on the social
aspects such as unemployment, raising prices, insecure
livelihood, disharmony in the community, and other
urban related issues. Beune et al.[28] also found that the
EMs of hypertension in patients from different migrant
groups differed from the common medical perspective.
Dela Cruz and Galang [29] found that the EMs of Filipino
Americans correspond to the biomedical model in relation
to causes, consequences and treatment. In the present
study, diet, physical inactivity, stress and urban living
were identified as major causes of hypertension and these
were interconnected and linked to day-to-day life. Stress
was perceived as an important causal factor in the present
EMs and was consistent with other studies