3. Results
3.1. Demographics
Collectively, the survey achieved an overall response rate of
25.4% from 6229 employees (as of 20 Nov 2012) representing the
four occupational groups of the airline. Notably, the response rate of
engineers was 64.9%. See Fig. 1 for survey response rates of all four
occupational groups.
Demographics collected from the survey depicted the overall
distribution of gender, age, and employment history of survey
participants. In terms of gender, male staff dominated the pilot and
the engineer groups, as both are traditionally considered male
professions in the aviation industry, whereas there were more females
than males in the cabin crew group. In terms of age, most
employees were between the ages of 21 and 50, with the age distribution
of the cabin crew and ground/network operations groups
skewed to the younger side. Lastly with regards to employment
history, about half of the respondents had worked in the company
for 1e5 years. See Table 1 for details of demographics of