Scholarly communication refers to the creation, transformation, evaluation
(peer reviewing) dissemination and preservation of knowledge related to
research and other scholarly endeavours. It is the most vital component of the
research lifecycle. The most common method of scholarly communication till
recent past has been through writing up the findings of research into a book, or
an article to be published in a scholarly journal. But with the advent of internet
and other ICT applications there is a major shift in the scholarly
communication process. We can see a deviation in the publishing processes
wherein a variety of media and formats are being used by the researchers to
share and disseminate their work. The networked digital environment has
enabled the creation of platforms for publishing by the researchers directly and
these are becoming essential tools for scholars conducting research, building
scholarly networks, and disseminating their ideas and work. Libraries play a
major role in the scholarly communication process. Outreach to scholarly
community is one important activity where libraries can bring in positive
change that advances the scholarly communication system through new
research and dissemination models.