Since the conceptualization of the constructs was satisfactorily supported in the measurement model, it was decided to proceed testing the structural model (see Figure 1). The results of the model estimates are presented in Figure 2. The results show that the fit of the structural model was satisfactory. Chi-square was 75.111 with 58 degrees of freedom. This Chi-square was statistically significant at 0.065. The normed chi-square (x 2/df) was 1.295 while: the NFI was 0.926; the IFI was 0.982; the TLI was 0.971; the CFI was 0.982; and RMSEA was 0.043 (confidence interval 90 percent: 0.000-0.068), all of which again were well within recommended guidelines. Furthermore, three out of four hypothesized relationships were supported (see Table 2).