When we talk about Islam, we realized that as the Middle East. The countries that export oil to top of the world. I will say the following in a relationship of Human Dignity and Human Right in Islam.
I got it all wrong that the western world is party to the Declaration of Human Rights First. They declared that the group was developed in every aspect. Especially in the French Revolution that took place over 200 years ago, which has three main pretext Fraternity, liberty and equality. Similarly, a Declaration on Human Rights. The United Nations has declared 60 years ago to develop and bug fixes. Available in French about declaration of human rights.
But in reality, I know that's true, then the subject of human rights, Islam has announced more than 14 centuries, fully completed before France will publish 12 centuries and before United Nations organizations will be announced over the years 1380.
When we talk about human rights in Islam. We still have many questions as to why Islam today is not Islam as such in the past. Why, however, has caused incessant murders. Sporadic small-scale war. Why Islam throughout the world. It's the question everyone wants to know is unmistakable. In reality, Human rights in Islam are an integral part of basic beliefs in Islam. Are linked and associated with of human relationships that they have of God prohibited self-fellow between Earth and Environmental environment. Of course, human rights in Islam is a great blessing and mercy of God is given to a human being. The revelation from God through His messengers of Human Rights in Islam, it is not a claim. To meet the social stream or the echo of those at a disadvantage or an advantage from conflicts in society. And it is undeniable that human rights in Islam covers the entire human race without volume, the aspects of nationality, race, the species, or any country specifically. But the content, scope extensive, since. Policy and at the national level. The international cover mankind in every era. Because that is what all countries have both race and religion.
The meaning really mind about that. Human Rights in Islam is a behavior that is strongly absorbed in the fact that awareness and show. Out in practice, which is part of the bow to the command of Allah, without the need virtue of social partnership agreement or law enforcement.
And when we talk about Human Dignity, we tend to think that it is a matter of dignity, respect and honor. And showing the right attitude. But in fact, in Islam. These things I have seen just in the Middle East. The people they do business with each other. Or a place to eat or hang out or work only. As we see it, there are terrorist attacks. Based on the first page of the daily, both in Iraq and in the Middle East for nearly all cereals. Today, we see that the Dignity as a mask to put together discuss what to do with it. And it may be another cause of Islam is not like the old days again.