Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has been afraid to enter a combat.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has betrayed & lied in the past.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has lost faith in the future.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has trodden a path that was not her own.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has suffered because of unimportant things.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has doubted that she is a Warrior of the LIGHT.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has failed in her obligations.
Every Warrior of the LIGHT
has said "yes" when she meant "no."
And every Warrior of the LIGHT
has hurt someone she LOVED.
This is why "she" & "he" are Warriors of the LIGHT...
They have endured ALL of this without losing their hope to improve.
# from "The Manual of the Warrior of the Light" by Paulo Coelho
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