In Assam, pineapple is cultivated in all districts, while the identified clusters for pineapple cultivation are Cachar, Kamrup, Sonitpur, Karbi Anglong and North Cachar Hills. Kew, Giant Kew and Queen are the major varieties grown in the state. Production Practices Planting is done from April to October. About 30,000 to 40,000 plants are accommodated in one ha area. Propagation of pineapple is done through suckers which costs ` 3 per sucker. Flowering starts next year in March-April and June-July while fruiting starts five months after flowering.
Pineapple is a perennial crop; hence cultivation lasts for four to seven years. The crop cycle of pineapple for optimum production is four years but farmers in Assam take the crop till the seventh year from planting. Productivity starts decreasing 4th year onwards. As per the FGDs held with the farmers, the cost of production of pineapple for the first five years is as follows: