3. Requirements for the assessment of microbial feed
3.1. Identity, characterisation, and conditions of use, methods
of control
This section relates the identity of the additive (proposed
proprietary name, type of additive according to its main
function, qualitative and quantitative composition, qualitative
and quantitative composition of any impurities, physical
state of each form of the product and manufacturing
process); characterisation of the active agent(s) (nomenclature,
biological origin, genetic modiWcation, compliance
with release Directive for genetically modiWed micro-organisms
(GMOs), toxin production and virulence factors, antibiotic
production and antibiotic resistance, other relevant
properties); characterisation of the additive: physico-chemical
and technological properties (stability of the additive,
other physico-chemical or biological properties, incompatibilities
with other feed ingredients); conditions of use of the
additive (technological and zootechnical additives, safety
data sheet); control methods (general methods and description
of the qualitative and quantitative methods for routine
control of the active agent in premixtures and feedingstuVs).