Screening for Antimicrobial Activity of Citrus spp. Juice
The antimicrobial activity of Citrus spp. juice was
assessed using modified agar diffusion method14. Briefly, S.
aureus, S. mutans, P. acnes and E. coli were spread on BHI
agar plate. C. albicans was cultured on SDA. Two hundred
microliter of each citrus juice was filled into a sterilized
cylinder cup with 0.7 mm diameter. Sterile distilled water and
ampicillin (10 g/disk) were used as negative and positive
control, respectively. The positive control for antifungal test
was two hundred microliter/cup of 40 μg/mL clotrimazole.
The culture plates were further incubated in the
microorganism incubator. Diameter of inhibition zone was
determined manually after the incubation for 24 hours. The
experiment was performed triplicately.