involves a reliance on self-report. For example, in smoking
cessation, self-report has been demonstrated to be very
accurate (Velicer, Prochaska, Rossi, & Snow 1992). Accurate
measurement requires a series of unambiguous items that the
individual can respond to accurately with little opportunity for
distortion. Measurement issues are very important and one of
the critical steps for the application of the model
involves the development of short, reliable, and valid
measures of the key constructs
involves a reliance on self-report. For example, in smokingcessation, self-report has been demonstrated to be veryaccurate (Velicer, Prochaska, Rossi, & Snow 1992). Accuratemeasurement requires a series of unambiguous items that theindividual can respond to accurately with little opportunity fordistortion. Measurement issues are very important and one ofthe critical steps for the application of the modelinvolves the development of short, reliable, and validmeasures of the key constructs
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