Registration of Birth and Birth Certificate:
- Applicant’s parents must appear and sign on BI-73 form.
- A duly completed BI-24 (Notice of Birth) and BI-154 (application for birth
- Foreign Birth Certificate
- A duly completed BI-529 (Citizenship Questionnaire with regard to parent(s)
being of South African Nationality at the time of Birth
- Copy of Marriage Certificate of parents
- Cost of birth register is 230 baht and unabridged birth certificate is 240 baht.
The following information must be contained in Form BI-24
1. Surname:
• If the parents are legally married, the child must be registered in the father’s surname.
• The wife’s maiden name may not be hyphenated with the father’s surname to form a new surname.
• If the child is born out of wedlock and the biological father acknowledges the child as his own, the father and the mother must complete BI-24 and the child can be registered in the father’s surname. A sworn affidavit that the father is the biological father is not acceptable.
• If such a child is born abroad and registered in the father’s name, the father must still acknowledge fatherhood on BI-24.
• The names and date of birth must be completed in full on BI-24.
• South African Identity numbers to identify the parents are important. If the parents do not have ID numbers, dates of birth must be provided.
• Parent’s details must be completed on BI-24 as at the time of birth. Even if one of the parents is deceased after the birth of the child, the form must still contain the particulars of both parents. If the mother remarried after the birth, the BI-24 must still be completed as at the time of birth.
• Children over the age of 21 can sign the form themselves.
2. Foreign Birth Certificate:
• A good quality copy can be submitted. If the certificate is written in a foreign language, it must be translated into English. Translation has to be taken to the Legalization Division of Consular Affairs Department at the country of birth.
3. BI-529:
• Citizenship questionnaire regarding the nationality of the parents at birth.
• This form must be completed as detailed as possible.
• Dates of when the parents left South Africa and whether permanently or temporary are very important.
4. Marriage Certificate:
• Marriage Certificate of parents even if they are divorced.
Identity document
Any person referred to in section 3 who has attained the age of 16 years shall
in the prescribed form and within the prescribed period apply for an identity
document. The following documents must be submitted to the Department of
Home Affairs:
- A duly completed BI-9 (application for an identity card).
- Submit 2 photos not more than one (1) month old.
- First application for an identity document - Free.
- 450 baht for renewal identity document.
- In case lost/stolen/damaged identity document. Police report must be
submit in English. Translations have to be taken to the Legalization
Division of the Consular Affairs Department in Thailand.
Identity photographs specifications
• Width 35 mm x Height 45 mm.
• A close-up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70-80% of the photograph.
• Of high quality with no ink marks or creases and not damaged.
• Show you looking directly at the camera and your mouth closed.
• Have appropriate brightness and contrast.
• Be printed on high-quality photo paper.
• Show your natural colour.
• Show your eyes open and clearly visible-no hair across your face.
• Show you facing square onto the camera, not looking over one. shoulder (portrait style) or tilted.
• Show both edges of your face clearly.
• Be taken with a light grey or plain cream-coloured background.
• Be taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows or flash
• reflections on your face and no red-eye.
• Show you alone (no chair backs, toys or other people visible).
If you wear glasses
• The photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection
• off the glasses
• No dark-tinted lenses or heavy frames.
• Make sure that the frames do not cover any part of your eyes
South African child passport (any person not over the age of 16 years)
- A duly completed BI-73(application for South African passport),
BI-529(determination of citizenship status) and signed by parents.
- Submit copy of South African current passport and
- Submit copy of birth certificate in English.
- Submit 2 photos not more than one (1) month old.
- 1,280 baht for child passport.
- In case lost/stolen/damaged travel document. Police report must be
submitted in English. Translations have to be taken to the Legalization
Division of the Consular Affairs Department in Thailand.
Passport photographs specifications
• Width 35 mm x Height 45 mm.
• A close-up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70-80% of the photograph.
• Of high quality with no ink marks or creases and not damaged.
• Show you looking directly at the camera and your mouth closed.
• Have appropriate brightness and contrast.
• Be printed on high-quality photo paper.
• Show your natural colour .
• Show your eyes open and clearly visible-no hair across your face.
• Show you facing square onto the camera, not looking over one.shoulder (portrait style) or tilted.
• Show both edges of your face clearly.
• Be taken with a light grey or plain cream-coloured background.
• Be taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows or flash reflections on your face and no red-eye.
• Show you alone (no chair backs, toys or other people visible).
If you wear glasses
• The photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection off the glasses
• No dark-tinted lenses or heavy frames.
• Make sure that the frames do not cover any part of your eyes