Important Points to Remember
A report is divided into four areas:
• Terms of Reference- This section gives background information on the reason for the report. It usually includes the person requesting the report.
• Procedure- The procedure provides the exact steps taken and methods used for the report.
• Findings- The findings point out discoveries made during the course of the report investigation.
• Conclusions- The conclusions provide logical conclusions based on the findings.
• Recommendations- The recommendations state actions that the writer of the report feels need to be taken based on the findings and conclusions.
• Reports should be concise and factual. Opinions are given in the "conclusions" section. However, these opinions should be based on facts presented in the "findings".
• Use simple tenses (usually the present simple) to express facts.
• Use the imperative form (Discuss the possibility ..., Give priority ..., etc.) in the "recommendations" section as these apply to the company as a whole.