The underlying logic here is replication, that is, the logic of treating a series of cases as a series of experiments with each case serving to confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses. Each case is analogous to an experiment, and multiple cases are analogous to multiple experiments. In replication logic, cases which confirm emergent relationships enhance confidence in the validity of the relationships. Cases which
disconfirm the relationships often can provide an opportunity to refine and extend the theory. At this point, the qualitative data are particularly useful for understanding why or why not emergent relationships hold. When a relationship is supported, the qualitative data often provide a good understanding of the dynamics underlying the relationship, that is, the “why” of what is happening. This is crucial to the establishment of internal validity. Overall, shaping hypotheses in theory building research involves measuring constructs and verifying relationships. These processes are similar to traditional hypothesis- testing research. However, these processes are more judgmental in theory-building research because researchers cannot apply statistical tests such as an F statistic. The researchers judge the strength and consistency of relationships within and across cases and also fully display the evidence and procedures when the findings are published, so that readers may apply their own standards.
The underlying logic here is replication, that is, the logic of treating a series of cases as a series of experiments with each case serving to confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses. Each case is analogous to an experiment, and multiple cases are analogous to multiple experiments. In replication logic, cases which confirm emergent relationships enhance confidence in the validity of the relationships. Cases which
disconfirm the relationships often can provide an opportunity to refine and extend the theory. At this point, the qualitative data are particularly useful for understanding why or why not emergent relationships hold. When a relationship is supported, the qualitative data often provide a good understanding of the dynamics underlying the relationship, that is, the “why” of what is happening. This is crucial to the establishment of internal validity. Overall, shaping hypotheses in theory building research involves measuring constructs and verifying relationships. These processes are similar to traditional hypothesis- testing research. However, these processes are more judgmental in theory-building research because researchers cannot apply statistical tests such as an F statistic. The researchers judge the strength and consistency of relationships within and across cases and also fully display the evidence and procedures when the findings are published, so that readers may apply their own standards.
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