Comment on using “Shakti Ammas” to introduce “fairness cream to masses” in the light of AIDWA‟s charges?
Shakti Ammas said is an ancient Indian classification of social status based on the color of the skin. This system regarded whiteness as higher status and positive value while dark as lower status. This is because Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the hierarchy stay indoors poring over books while the under caste at bottom of the social ladder are the dark people because the primarily work under the sun. The implication is that skin color is closely identified with caste and is laden with symbolism. This became cultural norm over time. Even this “Shakti Am mas” in itself is not ethical because it insult some of the Indian gods like Krishna and other dark Hindu gods. In the past the preference of lighter skin has been very important to Indian women culture but shift in cultural trend has changed that perception. This is manifested in the shrinking number of men and women in India who think lighter skin is beautiful. Large part of globalization process by firms is to understand the cultural trend and the perception of the market from the perspective of international marketing which transcends across continents. The knowledge of culture is important in marketing. However there are two types of knowledge– factual and interpretive knowledge (Factual knowledge is more obvious and can be learnt while interpretive is about acknowledging and accepting different cultural trait sand patterns (i.e. acculturation). HLL should conduct research on current cultural trend and modern role of women instead of exploiting out-date and controversial cultural norms that are misfit to the present cultural environment.