Evidence Of The Extreme Climate Change
well only in america is a controversial for me to begin tonight's program by declaring that global warming is really happening for doubters 332 straight months have above-average temperatures is not proof enough and even among believers there's a fight over who to blame god or man natural cycles are fossil fuels the very words climate change were noticeably absent from this past election but sandy brought them back in a big way and eager to fuel the conversation to artists convinced that they can help skeptics see climate change and weighs scientists cannot if you drive outside a Juneau Alaska and paddle across this gorgeous lake past know that falls in through the blueberry color icebergs you will find Mendenhall Glacier or what's left of it so the ice came out to write about here in 2007 Wow yeah five years ago we will be will be bumping into English you right here yep every time you visit just right you myron in the James Bay law nature photographer jheel morphology just and reformed climate change sceptic honestly when I first heard about the man-made climate change story I certainly had a knee-jerk reflexive skepticism but the more he learned about ice the more he worried see more time you spend in the Arctic the more he saw ancient glaciers disappearing before his lens and the more he thought about his kids night imagine myself as an old man sitting on a rocking chair and I you're my daughter's saying to me you know what were you doing when this one the mental change was happening and so we launch the extreme ice survey an effort to capture the changing planet by placing time-lapse cameras the memories hope for the world and as you can see in thenew film chasing ice them that is no easy feat this news had two surgeries on it already between the palmy Singh godforsaken called wins and the fragile cameras it's the whole thing nearly killed him the electronics cost me years in my life terms things I D in tension high blood pressure is generally spokespeople thats interesting to know considering I've seen some love your critics online who say you're in this for the money yeah right well you know what they could do they can kiss my you know what abount the same time I but five years later here is just one small taste the fruits of his labor visual proof above Mendenhall's steady retreat now in the winter will this come back the retreat will tend to slow down in the wintertime okay maybe it even stabilizer creeps forward a tiny little bit but boy soon as the warming season comes back on but continues to gobble itself backwarde the satellite pictures back that up 679 half the Arctic sea ice is disappear and just this year four and a half million square miles melted away an area the size of the US and Mexico combined unit comes meanwhile back with jim was mounting his first ice cameras at artist in Brooklyn name Eve mosier was pushing the kinda machine used chalk lines on a ballfield after reading a scary 2001 prediction from nasa the climate change powered storms would wipe out entire neighborhoods she decided see which neighborhoods by marking the high water line around New York City this would be under water this would be dry