However, most studies in the literatures mainly focused on the experimental
investigation of the influence of various factors on the mechanical
properties, composition and stability of hydration products
[2,5,6]. The experimental works indeed provide a large quantity of
phenomena-based qualitative information. However, the intrinsic
mechanismmust be disclosed via theoretical study. Currently, little theoretical
works have been done to give quantitative clues and reveal the
underlying mechanisms. Thermodynamic studies will demonstrate the
theoretical stability of the phases.
However, most studies in the literatures mainly focused on the experimentalinvestigation of the influence of various factors on the mechanicalproperties, composition and stability of hydration products[2,5,6]. The experimental works indeed provide a large quantity ofphenomena-based qualitative information. However, the intrinsicmechanismmust be disclosed via theoretical study. Currently, little theoreticalworks have been done to give quantitative clues and reveal theunderlying mechanisms. Thermodynamic studies will demonstrate thetheoretical stability of the phases.
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