ฉันรักการแปลSocial media is just a waste of time and mental ability. No one can find it useful from starting to end. In my case, I get badly addicted of FB. In a day I probably open my FB account near about 40 times and my book near about 1 or 2. See the difference.
Social media also cause a great impact on our confidence. Generally, if any time I have ten or more messages on FB then I feel that people are becoming attracted towards me and I feel so confident whether when there is no message then I feel that I am loosing my charm and get feels so bad for me.
But this is only virtual world boy real.
In the real world, I have so many best friends who care for me a lot but due to FB and WhatsApp, I didn't get time for my real friends I realize it later. Friends I have five breakups on FB. Hahaha. By the girls which I never have seen them. How funny all that and after few days all forget. Fb relationships are not real they are only a waste of mind as well as time. Get rid of this as soon as possible.
Today I deleted my FB app from my phone and going out by this virtual world to real world.