2. Starting out
Conscious of the developments in open access publishing, the Library at
Loughborough had been interested in developing an IR for some
time and had set up a Working Group in 2003 to investigate the funding and staffing
implications as well as identifying the key advantages for the University. This group
(which included the Support Services Manager, the Systems Manager and the
Academic Manager (Engineering)) produced a report of findings which was taken to
University senior management and initial support was received. The Library was
given a small amount of money (£15,000) and a vacancy for an IR Manager was
advertised as part of a new Support Services Librarian position and I was appointed in
April 2005. An IR Steering Committee was set up to oversee the pilot phase and to
draw upon the skills and expertise of people within the Library and University as a
whole. The development of this service has involved collaboration between the
University Library (with representatives including the University Librarian, the
Support Services Manager, the Systems Manager and the Support Services Librarian)
as well as Professor Charles Oppenheim from the Department of Information Science
and two staff members from the Engineering Centre for Teaching and Learning
(engCETL). This group has met regularly throughout this first year to discuss policy
and direction.