In 1700, barely a decade after the invention of the modern newspaper, the first matrimonial service was created. These services ran ads on behalf of single men and women who were desperate to find a good husband or wife.
At the time, being single past 21 carried with it a deep stigma and turning to a matrimonial service, for either sex, was seen as an act of desperation. Still, many matches resulted from these services and many members of 18th-century society found love this way, even if it was something rarely talked about during its time.
The matrimonial services from that century were just the beginning of the pairing of technology and dating. Newspapers would also provide personal ads, which often relied on the telephone to send/receive messages, VHS brought us video dating and, more recently, the Internet brought us online dating.
Of course, the use of the Web to find romantic partners should surprise no one. Perhaps more than any other revolution in communication, the use of the Web for dating makes sense. Not only does the Web allow us to find people in our area, but it allows us to see, hear learn a great deal about them. With images, audio and databases of personal data, the Web is not just a new way to meet others, but an incredibly efficient one.
This doesn't mean that online dating has lost all of its stigma. In some circles meeting a boyfriend/girlfriend or even a spouse online is viewed as a sign of desperation. However, that stigma is slowly lifting. As more and more people meet their significant others online, the stigma against it is deteriorating.
As that happens, more and more individuals will be willing to try it, making it both more common and even more useful.