there's a list of songs i sent on the updates&stuff group, you have to choose 2 songs from the list. (it's ok to have the same song as the others),
next up is, you have to choose which anime you'd like to use for the song and put a screenshot of it on the picture, under it is the name of the anime & song/artist name
afterwards, you have to make your own color scheme and show it under the screenshot of the anime (well it depends on you wherever you like to put it)
next is, one the right side, create a design of what the video would look like (more like a screenshot of your video) if you used those colors and anime. you dont have to make a video out of it, just a photo with the lyrics as well
REMEMBER; to put your Youtube name and name somewhere in the photo
there's a list of songs i sent on the updates&stuff group, you have to choose 2 songs from the list. (it's ok to have the same song as the others), next up is, you have to choose which anime you'd like to use for the song and put a screenshot of it on the picture, under it is the name of the anime & song/artist nameafterwards, you have to make your own color scheme and show it under the screenshot of the anime (well it depends on you wherever you like to put it)next is, one the right side, create a design of what the video would look like (more like a screenshot of your video) if you used those colors and anime. you dont have to make a video out of it, just a photo with the lyrics as wellREMEMBER; to put your Youtube name and name somewhere in the photo
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