Note in Eq. (22) that the maximum relative power increase
(DPþ/Pþ)max incr will occur when Db/b ¼ 1, which would take
place in the hypothetical case that b is reduced to zero. The relationship between b and Qþ when dPþ/dQþ ¼ 0 can be obtained
from Eq. (15), which gives b ¼ 1=ð2ðQþÞ
maxÞ. By substituting this b
into Eq. (22), and using Db/b ¼ 1, gives (DPþ/Pþ)max incr ¼ 1/2.
Likewise an increase inb will result in a decrease in power. It should
be noted that the maximum relative power decrease (DPþ/
Pþ)max decr isDPþ/Pþ ¼ 1, which would occur in the case that Pþ is
reduced to zero.