Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are ideal tool to use for making informed decision makers related to the expansion of poultry enterprises. The goal of this study is to develop and evaluate spatial analysis tools as a Decision Support System (DSS) implemented in a GIS environment for making informed decisions maker the expansion of poultry enterprises in Sharqia governorate, and all over Egypt. Sharqia governorate has thirteen geographic districts counties, all of them were involved, in this study survey aimed all poultry farms. Licensed and unlicensed farms, infected and non-infected farms by bird flu disease and evaluations Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools in planning the potential expansion of poultry farms was applied. The result indicates that Al Husaineya county has the highest total number of poultry farms 960 and Al Ebrahemeyah
county has the lowest total number of poultry farms 73. For licensed farms, Zaqaziq county has the highest
total number of licensed farms 520 and Awlad Saqr county has the lowest total number of licensed farms 19
and for unlicensed farms, Al Husaineya county has the highest total number of unlicensed farms 860 and Al
Ebrahemeyah county has the lowest total number of unlicensed farms 25. For infected farms by bird flu
disease, Zaqaziq county has the highest total number of infected farms with bird flu disease181 and Al
Ebrahemeyah county has only one infected farm with bird flu disease. The present paper is a step towards
finding a common methodology to identify the vulnerable area of infectious disease using GIS,