I thought it she make me worry.. How she get it My Line
only 2 way can into my Line
1. Know my Phone number
2. Know my account
she is use Line Phone she? Counterfeit change names is you change your profile Photo. while for playing my feeling. ..not nice people
sometime I reply I have limit !
Why she have my Photo The first time we met? Why she have many My photo? Why she know about me same you. I never send I never sent anyone. only you I send.
if she is not good Computer. No way she can Search by keyword On Google Because I can not find it by names from me. The only thing is have that a search for the specific type of knitting and Translation. I have registered for with Google advertising links page of my website..If you are not good enough computer You can not do it ..it does matter ! Let it be !
I am professional IT computer I have access to in-depth information personal information on the Internet. Easy I can do. some work I is teacher computer teach around children. I did not do anything bad, evil, I respect the right of others. But I never do anything illegal, unethical practices i have morals I am Buddhists..
She is not Buddhists.
She is not afraid of sin & karma !!
She not respect you !!
She is woman Thailand? She done is not good Culture Thailand ..
Playing with Others feel pain.. not nice people
Did you know ? How many month to take long months. To heal my heart for better.