Final assessment
Pressure equipment must be subjected to final assessment as described below.
3.2.1. Final inspection
Pressure equipment must undergo a final inspection to assess visually and by examination of the accompanying
documents compliance with the requirements of the Directive. Test carried out during manufacture may be taken into
account. As far as is necessary on safety grounds, the final inspection must be carried out internally and externally on
every part of the equipment, where appropriate in the course of manufacture (e.g. where examination during the final
inspection is no longer possible).
3.2.2. Proof test
Final assessment of pressure equipment must include a test for the pressure containment aspect, which will normally
take the form of a hydrostatic pressure test at a pressure at least equal, where appropriate, to the value laid down in 7.4.
For category I series-produced pressure equipment, this test may be performed on a statistical basis.
Where the hydrostatic pressure test is harmful or impractical, other tests of a recognized value may be carried out. For
tests other than the hydrostatic pressure test, additional measures, such as non-destructive tests or other methods of
equivalent validity, must be applied before those tests are carried out.
3.2.3. Inspection of safety devices
For assemblies, the final assessment must also include a check of the safety devices intended to check full compliance
with the requirements referred to in 2.10.