The goal of this research is to understand the effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the size, type of inflore-scences and yield of ‘Yu Her Pau’ litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). Additionally, we would like to determineif GA3application could potentially replace manual inflorescence pruning. During the induction of inflo-rescence in the 2007–2008 and 2008–2009 study periods, 100 mg L−1GA3was applied to the foliar partof the whole ‘Yu Her Pau’ litchi plant every two weeks, for a total of six treatment timings. This was doneto compare the handling time with the blooming performance, as well as to compare the yields with thefruit quality of two control groups (one with no treatment and the other with only manual inflorescencepruning). The results indicated that the application of GA3could increase the ratio of leafy inflorescence(leafy inflorescences/total number of inflorescences) from 10% to 55% (2007–2008) and from 16.67% to 87.5% (2008–2009). Additionally, the length of the inflorescences decreased from 34.78 cm to 26.88 cm(2007–2008), and from 32.13 cm to 21.95 cm. The average number of fruit set per branch was increasedfrom 0.49 (2007–2008) and 0.5 (2008–2009) to 2.10 and 5.18, respectively. And increment did not affect the fruit quality. The fruit set that received the GA3 application was equal to (2007–2008) or better than(2008–2009) manual pruning. These results indicate that the GA3 treatment could effectively replace the manual inflorescence pruning in ‘Yu Her Pau’ litchi.