To: 'Takao Sueyoshi'
Cc:; 'Itoh Daisuke'; JR Liang; 'CU Liang'
Subject: Prepare equipment mixing NYCO DX-KR Dear Takao-san We had preparing equipment and RM for testing mixing which if you have any suggestion, please let us know.We are preparing below for you. 1. Prepare mixing tank 100LT which equipment as attach file.a. Motor is 300 RPMb. Stainless tank is 100LT2. RMa. NYCO DX-KR A-1 = 30 LT.b. NYCO DX-KR A-2 = 30 LT.c. NYCO DX-KR B = 60 LT.d. Nickel Sulfatee. Sodium Hydroxidef. Citric Acidg. Sodium Hyprophosphiteh. Ammonium Solution 27%i. Ammonium Chloride3. Filter4. Stainless heater Waiting for your suggestion. Best Regards,Sukit T.
Dear Sukit-san, Good morning. As we had a meeting internally, please kindly checking below points;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Please prepare indicator of methyl orange for checking ammonia solution concentration.We are normally use methyl orange (have stock) b) We need your support when we checking the Lead (Pb) concentration by using “Atomic absorption photometer”after mixing NYCO DX-KR A. We only have ICP which can checking Pb.c) Could you prepare the heater system just in case because it is better temperature over 35℃ when dissolveNickel sulfate with DI water as first step of mixing DX-KR A. I am prepare 1000 LT tank size for mixing which cannot use heater because low level solution. The level solution is attach file (red color) I think, we will prepare warm water to use mixing which can support your request and future mixing 1000LT can use heater. d) Please let us know the speck of filtering machine (speck of pump & housing size) for following steps;-carbon filtration 30min (3 turns) for DX-KR A (before add KR A-1 & 2) & DX-KR B (before add KR B-1).-filtration 30min using by 0.5µ m filter for the after mixing DX-KR A & B.*It needs 2 filtering machines for each DX-KR A & B. We had one filter SD-2004 which will use with two product.Our filter as attach file. e) According to Ito-san information there is no “ventilation system”, but it would be dentures situation when doing mixing DX-KR B due to ammonia water. We had our ventilation which can abate ammonia smell.