Postal Orders:
the handy way to send cash today
What is a Postal Order?
Postal Orders are the closest thing to cash you can send in the post. They are simple to send and
available in any amount from 50p to £20 with no limit to the cash value you can buy.
Unlike cash, a Postal Order is traceable as the counterfoil provides you with proof of purchase
What can I use it for?
Any time you need to send money through the post, you can send Postal Orders. They are especially
useful for sending to people without bank accounts as they are easily cashed at any local Post office.
All your bills can be settled with Postal Orders. You can use them to pay for catalogue shopping and
mail order purchases, for competition entries. football pools, film processing and many other uses.
Anyone can cash a Postal Order at their local Post Office, so they make perfect gifts for children or
anyone who does not have a bank account.
Postal Orders are one of the most popular methods of sending money abroad, to businesses orindividuals. They are accepted in around 50 countries worldwide, and there is no limit to the cash value you can send.