The Observer shall not, during the carrying out of any MRTA Survey:
(a) Have in his possession a mobile phone or similar communication device; and
(b) In any way interfere with, obstruct or challenge the manner in which the MRTA Survey is being carried out or any KPI is being scored, save to the extent as may be required for reasons relating to health and safety. In relation to any MRTA Survey carried out by MRTA where an Observer is not in attendance, MRTA shall:
(a) Make contemporaneous written notes of observations made during that MRTA Survey; and
(b) Where reasonably appropriate in the relevant context (including, for example, having regard to the sensitivities associated with taking photographs and video footage in public environments) and if reasonably practicable to do so (including, for example, that certain KPIs are not capable of assessment by reference to photographs or video coverage), take photographs and/or video footage to assist in documenting the basis on which KPI scores are derived. In each case, MRTA shall provide copies (albeit in electronic form) of such documentation to the Concessionaire in accordance with the timescale set out in clause 2.5.6 (Provision of MRTA Survey data to the Concessionaire). Scores shall be recorded in writing contemporaneously with the carrying out of each MRTA Survey, provided that the collation and/or calculation of scoring data may be carried out after the completion of each MRTA Survey.
2.5.6 Provision of MRTA Survey data to the Concessionaire The Concessionaire shall be provided with the results (“Results”) of the MRTA Surveys conducted in any week within 5 days after the week in question, provided that MRTA will endeavour to provide the Concessionaire with any adverse findings as soon as reasonably practicable after any survey has been undertaken. The Results shall comprise a detailed report on each KPI which has been assessed, including the provision of all photographs and/or video footage taken during such survey and copies of all contemporaneous written notes made during such survey. Where the Concessionaire can demonstrate errors or deficiencies in the way in which a MRTA Survey has been carried out or the results have been determined, the Concessionaire shall raise any such objections with MRTA within 10 days of receipt of the Results. Where the parties agree (both acting reasonably) that such errors have occurred, the MRTA Survey results shall be adjusted accordingly. If the parties are unable to agree the terms of any such amendments within 14 days of any such objection (or such longer period as the parties may agree), the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure set out in cluase 2.5.3(iii).