2.2. Photoelectrochemical studies
All photoelectrochemical studies were carried out in a threeelectrode transparent cell, with fabricated electrode, Pt-foil (3cm2) and saturated calomel (SCE) as working, counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The tests were performed using a ZAHNER/ ZENNIUM Potentio/Galvanostat Impedance workstation operating with Thales Z1.15 software. The scan rate and frequency range were set at 20mV/s and 100kHz to 10mHz, respectively. The electrochemical tests were conducted in a sulfide/polysulfide electrolyte, containing 0.5M Na2S, 0.125M sulfur and 0.2M KCl solution, prepared in a binary mixture of methanol and water with 3:7 volumetric ratio. In these experiments, the polysulfide componentoftheelectrolytewassynthesizedinsitu[27],throughoxidation process of sulfide ions, with sweeping the potential of working electrode from cathodic to anodic direction. In the present photoelectrochemical studies, a 500 W powertunable Xe-lamp (Ushio Xenon Short Arc Lamp) was used as the photon source [5]; we used xenon lamp because its spectrum is very close to that of Sun [28]. The intensity of incident photons was set to 100 mW/cm2, similar to that coming directly from Sun to the earth's surface under non-cloudy/standard conditions [29]. During the tests, the temperature of electrolyte was also kept constant at 298 K, using a T-controlling bath circulator (WCR-P6).
2.2. Photoelectrochemical studiesAll photoelectrochemical studies were carried out in a threeelectrode transparent cell, with fabricated electrode, Pt-foil (3cm2) and saturated calomel (SCE) as working, counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The tests were performed using a ZAHNER/ ZENNIUM Potentio/Galvanostat Impedance workstation operating with Thales Z1.15 software. The scan rate and frequency range were set at 20mV/s and 100kHz to 10mHz, respectively. The electrochemical tests were conducted in a sulfide/polysulfide electrolyte, containing 0.5M Na2S, 0.125M sulfur and 0.2M KCl solution, prepared in a binary mixture of methanol and water with 3:7 volumetric ratio. In these experiments, the polysulfide componentoftheelectrolytewassynthesizedinsitu[27],throughoxidation process of sulfide ions, with sweeping the potential of working electrode from cathodic to anodic direction. In the present photoelectrochemical studies, a 500 W powertunable Xe-lamp (Ushio Xenon Short Arc Lamp) was used as the photon source [5]; we used xenon lamp because its spectrum is very close to that of Sun [28]. The intensity of incident photons was set to 100 mW/cm2, similar to that coming directly from Sun to the earth's surface under non-cloudy/standard conditions [29]. During the tests, the temperature of electrolyte was also kept constant at 298 K, using a T-controlling bath circulator (WCR-P6).
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