Typically there should be some kind of Scope Change Request or a Production Problem report that
initiates the Change.
2. The change request should be approved by the Change Control Board before being worked on in
the Development system.
3. Once the change has been unit tested in the development environment and the transport is created
for it, it should be formally approved again for its transport to Quality system.
4. There should be some kind of Formal script that is executed in Quality system to test the new
change. It is advisable that this script should also do regression testing to check the impact of this
new change on the existing system.
5. The Change Control Board should review the already passed formal script before approving its
transport to Production. Ideally there should be some fixed time and day when changes should be
transported to Production instead of moving it anytime. This help in being ready for any adverse
impact of the new change to the existing system.