3.3.3. Effect of the concentration of S2O3
2 and the incubation time
The concentration of S2O3
2 and the incubation time have
influences on the detection of Cu2+. The effect of the S2O3
concentration was examined in range of 1.0–9.0mM (Fig. 3c). The
DI value increased with increasing S2O3
2 concentration and
slightly decreased above 5.0mM. Therefore, the concentration of
5.0mM S2O3
2 was selected as the optimized concentration.
Furthermore, the effect of incubation time on the Cu2+ detection
was studied. The DI increased with increasing incubation time and
remains constant above 120 s (Fig. 3d). This indicated that the
developed method provides a rapid measurement of Cu2+.