Ethical considerations
This study was approved by the IRBs/Ethical Committees
at the University of Minnesota, Minnesota Medical
Research Foundation (Hennepin County Medical Center),
and the Lagos State Government. This study is being
conducted according to United States and international
standards of Good Clinical Practice (21 CFR 812 and International
Conference on Harmonization guidelines), applicable
government regulations and Institutional research
policies and procedures. The parents/guardians of potential
subjects for this study will be provided a consent form
describing this study and providing sufficient information
for the parents/guardians to make an informed decision
about their child’s participation in this study. The consent
form has been submitted with the protocol for review
and approval by the relevant IRBs/Ethical Committees
for the study. The formal consent of a parent/guardian,
using the IRB-approved consent form, will be obtained
before the infant is subjected to any study procedure.
This consent form will be signed or thumb-printed by
the parent/guardian, and the investigator-designated research
professional obtaining the consent. A blank copy
of the IRB-approved form will be kept on-site and by
the sponsor-investigator.