Thank you for your message.
I sincerely understand your frustration and I too would be extremely unsatisfied with such poor timing of a product delivery.
Please accept my most sincere apologies on behalf of the whole team for the delay that we have had with our delivery schedule. I truly understand your disappointment that we haven’t made up to our promises.
However, we are shipping AirDogs in small batches regularly and your turn is coming with every batch we ship! Since batch sizes vary, it's impossible to tell precisely when you will receive your drone, but your AirDog should be included in one of the batches scheduled for the next 10-15 weeks.
We would love to keep you in our community and see you among the first ones to enjoy AirDog as it already exceeds some of our Beta Testers' expectations and it's getting even better with our free and frequent updates. Have you seen our videos andimpressions by our customers and Beta Testers who already have their AirDogs?
Anyhow, if our videos, reviews and progress still do not convince you to stay in the scoop, please let me know and I will start the refund process for you.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts and comments.