The level of the development can be quantified in several ways. Thus, for organization such indicators are: the level or the value of production, the revenue, the profit, the number of branches, the number of clients etc. A developed organization looks for a sustainable position on the market, which means a long term approach on its needs and possibilities in connection to cost, customer and competition. At an individual level, the development is
different measured in the new context, since the simple possession of material objects and goods does no longer fully satisfy the individuals. This, because the huge difference between “having” and “being” make people to reconsider their way of acting, their system of values and attitudes. Therefore, some efforts of measuring the human development have taken into consideration national aspects like life hope, living standard, education level; an example is the Human Development Index (IDU), calculated every year by the Development Program of the United Nations and published in the Rapport of Human Development.