The Robot has the controlling algorithm
application we can use two range of comm
range communication is used for accessing
robot is away from accessing perso
communication is used for accessing robot
near to the user. For each and every com
should be a password to establish the c
establishing the connection the working of t
on the wireless connectivity. Sensing of se
simultaneously along with the capturing o
visuals. If both the outputs of visual and sens
it will be transmitted through wireless to the
of the robot is done continuously by wirele
the task is finished then we can stop the wo
nference on Innovations in Information Embedded and
here based on the
munications. Long
g robot when the
on. Short range
when the robot is
mmunication there
connection. After
the robot is based
ensors also started
f the surrounding
sors are ready then
e user. Controlling
ess connection. If
orking of the robot